Executive Trustees

Sue Muggleston - Plant & Food Research - President
Cherie van Wensveen
- CSIRO - President-Elect
Catherine Boxhall - Integra Law Pty Ltd - LESANZ Vice President
Christopher Wilkinson
- Madderns Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys - Secretary
Anna Grocholsky -
Charles Sturt University - Treasurer
Mark Pullen -
Westmark IP - LESANZ Past President

Trustees at Large

Furse - Thomson Geer - Adelaide
Ben Hamilton - Hall & Wilcox - Melbourne
Aisha Sirop - The University of Adelaide - Adelaide
Jason Sprague - Bartier Perry -Sydney
Dallas Wilkinson - Enhanced Performance Business Advisory (EPBA) - Sydney 

Regional Chairs

Charles Yip & Stuart Campbell - FB Rice - NSW Co-Chairs

Vacancy - QLD Chair
- SA Chair
Jesse Gordes – The University of Melbourne - VIC Co-Chair
Lexi Vanguard – Integra Law - VIC Co-Chair
Michael Pasquale 
- Wrays - WA Chair
Roz Murray 
- Plant & Food Research - NZ Chair