Innovation Incentives and your IP – getting it right

Webinar via Zoom | In many cases, R&D activities will produce intellectual property. Understanding the implications of IP development and protection decisions on the availability of the Australian R&D Tax Incentive could result in access to critical cash flow.

Presenter: Matt McCarthy | 
Senior Manager | Global Investment and Innovation Incentives (Gi3) | Deloitte Tax Services Pty Ltd

The R&D Tax Incentive is the Federal Government’s most consistent financial encouragement for innovative development in Australia. Naturally, such innovation often results in the development of valuable IP, providing your competitive advantage in the market. So how do we ensure we are maximising R&D Tax Incentives as we develop, protect and commercialise our intellectual property? Join Matt McCarthy, Senior Manager in the Deloitte Global Investment and Innovation Incentives team and LESANZ NSW Committee member, to explore questions such as:

I have a development company and an IP holding company – which one should claim? I outsource my development to a contractor – can I still claim? I am a contractor assisting with development – can I claim? I am developing IP, though it sits with a foreign parent company – can I still claim? I have spent significant money on patenting my IP – can this be covered by the R&D Tax Incentive?  


5/3/2023 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
for late bookings, telephone the Secretariat

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